Director's Message
The key to success for every business is always found in the blend of service delivery and cost management. The challenge of finding it in the Industry of commercial aviation is extremely unique due to the complexity of its operations.
AVIOTEK offers solutions in that space. Some of the best minds with about three decades of industry expertise join hands with a band of accomplished IT professionals, to form our team. The product that we offer is a combination of information technology and artificial intelligence derived out of data analysis. Results are assured because the logic of our solutions is always - efficiency assures rewards.
Our first solution - Training Management System, customized for Pilots training needs, is ready for use off the shelf. The goal of this solution is to optimize the available resource of Pilot Man Hours with the cautious monitoring and timely scheduling of training.
Forthcoming solutions on Manpower Requirement, Crew Planning, Crew Tracking, Crew Rostering, Crew Optimizer, Sector Optimizer and Crew Allowance Calculator are in the development.
We look forward to welcoming you onboard Aviotek!

Vishwanath P